the wheels on the bus...
Congratulations to Tucker for finishing his first week of preschool! I am one proud mama and absolutely giddy over his bright attitude and eager anticipation for all to come! I took this picture before heading out for his first day. Needless to say, he was beaming! I was awoken Wednesday morning to my little man climbing in our bed to let me know he should take a shower that morning instead of a bath so he could get ready quicker! I know I should be a little sad, too, that he's so eager to get back out there after being home with me this year, but I'm honestly just really proud and truly enjoying seeing him so happy!
To all of our little preschoolers! May they have a bright, exciting year, and may their minds, imaginations, and friendships grow as quickly as they do!
sleigh bells will be ringing...
Ok, ok... So I realize it might not seem like it, but the HOLIDAYS are just around the corner! The chill in the air, the rustling of leaves, Christmas tree stands on every corner and every excuse in the world to indulge in a steaming cup of hot cocoa... YES, INDEED! Santa Claus is coming to town, and he will be here before you know it (and possibly before some of us are ready for all of the hustle and bustle!) Who am I kidding? I LOVE the hustle and bustle! My ears are just burning to hear those sleigh bells ring! Do I have you in the Christmas spirit yet? Well, bear with me and see if you can wrap your mind around the darling Christmas cards you're going to send out this year! I'm working on finalizing the collection (although I can't take claim to the designs!), and I can't wait to share a sample with all of you!
Take a peek...
I hope you loved the first peek into my first Christmas card collection! This is the front and back of a 5x5 flat card and one of my personal favorites!
Christmas Session Fee: $275, includes family portraits on location, CD of all edited images with right to print & 40 printed cards ($45 per additional 20 cards) Booking September 1 to November 15... Book early as sessions are limited, and you know you'll thank me come December!
New Look!
I've been working on a new blog, and things aren't moving along quite as quickly as I'd like... SO, I've begun a little renovation on this one in the meantime! I thought I'd test out the changes with a couple of my new favorite images!
A Spoonful of SUGAR!
So, a bit of honesty here.... I've been a little bogged down today with flat tire drama, sitter issues, and a case of throw up in the car on a VERY hot day, and so, with both kids in bed and a lot of work to do, I wasn't exactly looking forward to sitting in front of the computer to catch up on a LOT of editing to be done. The house is quiet and some mindless television was calling my name...
BUT my mood quickly turned around when I caught a glimpse of these adorable images from a session last week! This spoonful of pure sugar was exactly the medicine I needed to cure my blues!

I still haven't finished all of the pictures from this session, so I will post more soon, but I just had to share a few! Maybe you will find your mood a little brightened as well! Thank you Mary Grey & Ryan for letting me come spend time with your adorable family! I had so much fun, and I can't wait to share more pictures with you!
Kari & Justin
Happy 10 years to Kari & Justin, who decided to renew their vows at Alhambra Hall last weekend in front of their family and two adorable children! Thank you both so much for asking me to capture this special moment for your family! And of course, thank you to Kari's sister, Kelly, for your referral!
I love the opportunity my photography has given to me to witness these moments! Here's a little sneak peek of my favorites...

Today We Eat Cake!
Krystina & Raef
You may have heard me mention it (just once or twice, right?), but last month, I was entrusted with the great thrill and incredible responsibility (incredibly nerve wracking at first, I must admit) of shooting my first wedding! All I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Krystina for trusting me with your big day! You were so wonderful to work with, and I am so glad you love your pictures! And have I mentioned how happy I am for you and Raef?! Your wedding was beautiful, you were beautiful, and I can't wait to capture more moments in your life together... many, many beautiful children, I hope! For those who don't know, Krystina was Tucker's teacher at "school" for about 2 years, and I can't thank her enough for the wonderful influence she's had on him! K, you are an amazing teacher, and you're very special to Tucker, as I know you are to so many of the children you so clearly adore!

It's OFFICIAL... I have caught the bug. Most of all, I love my little angels, but I can't wait to shoot my next wedding! If you know of someone who's planning the big day, please send them my way! I'm looking to book my next three weddings at a significant discount, so spread the word! Thanks again Krystina & Raef! I wish you both all the best!!
BIG CHEF little chef
What a night! Last week, I was asked to photograph an event downtown to benefit Louie's Kids and the fight against childhood obesity. If you're not familiar with the organization, let me just tell you what an incredible group of people this is and what a genuine impact they're making in the lives of these kids. You could absolutely see and feel the spirit of the organization in everyone who participated in this wonderful evening! Take a few minutes and find out more about Louie's Kids and the Big Chef Little Chef Challenge at www.louieskids.org!
On a personal note, it's been far too long since I've been involved in any volunteer work, and that has just got to change! I'd like to find a volunteer opportunity that is kid-friendly. Any ideas? Since my time away from the kids is so very limited, I'm looking for something Tucker (4) and I can do together or even better, something Katie Grace (1) can tag along for as well! Please comment if you have suggestions!!
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